

This is a list of all recorded changes, additions, improvements and fixes.
Experiencing problems, believe to have found an issue or have ideas for improvements? Please let us know here!

August 2024

New Features

  • Car Missing Fields/Percentage breakdown overlay
  • Places edits, only galleries at the moment


  • Car license plate history now has a highlight on the current license plate


  • Queue page has now been divided into categories for easier access
  • Car percentage calculation changed to fit new fields


  • Sale history bug fixed(blank line was being added when removing all history lines)
July 2024

New Features

  • Sign up page
  • Business Account
  • Challenge of the week


  • Login area
  • If collection has no cover, the thumbnail will take it's place


  • Block queue, updates, edit history of unverified / unlogged users
  • Smaller card listings for places at homepage and "similar" listings
  • Removed "see more" card and added it as a button
  • Tag for replacement vehicles in status for cars


  • Added flags to license plates queue
  • Upload date added to edit history in car page
  • License plate order rearranged
  • Cars without images will have thumbnails as their first banner image

Known Issues

  • Instability on login and some forms submits due to recaptcha
February-June 2024

V3 Development

  • Upgraded server
  • Redesigned visuals on whole site
  • Redesigned details page
  • Gallery formats
  • Card listings (filters and layout)
  • Reputation: Points divided into car categories, gold membership dropped and silver changed to premium
  • Level - Specialist (See more)
  • Redesigned account settings
  • Redesigned profile page
  • Image gallery has no longer a limit
  • Updated payments method
  • Improvement mobile display
  • Area profile cars custom list
  • Events page
  • Visited buttons on place pages
  • Like to images
  • Improved and added new features to car internals page
  • Designed homepage for logged and unlogged users
  • sub-Auction Houses
  • General overlay for contact
  • Added ligth and dark mode switch
  • Redesigned submit edit overlay
  • Changed upload car method
  • Car categories
January 2024

New Features

  • 2FA
  • Report bug and report user added to contact list


  • Server upgrade


  • Block queue, updates, edit history of unverified / unlogged users


  • Rolled back after server upgrade instability
December 2023


  • Edits, Queue and Updates are now only visible to logged in users
  • Collections that are silver or gold are hidden in car details and edits are marked as silver/gold member only


  • Added locations to the new database
November 2023

New Features

  • Dealers pages
  • New Guidelines pages for Museums, Dealers and Auctions Houses


  • Two-Factor acount validation for Gold Members and Editors
  • New areas added to Member Requests and new layout


  • Internal locations database, the old one was generating mispellings and missing states / regions
  • New votes and comments section layout on edits and queue
  • Private profile (hidden content) option was removed
  • Sale History field now has Dealer option
  • Some fields are required now in the account
  • Pending Edits, Queue and Updates back to dark theme


  • License plates now have country and state / country options
  • Some missing locations were added
October 2023

New Features

  • Report Bug and Report User area


  • New layouts for system emails (new account, account validation, password reset, ...)
  • Tweaks to code and tools to improve page loading time and server response time


  • Fixed image upload not working with high resolution images or large image files
  • Fixed VIN and Plaque images missing on edits previus
September 2023

New Features

  • New Collection Guideline page


  • New image uploading method, improves quality and optimize the files


  • "Uploded By" section changed to "Contributors", also including all users that submited edits
  • Cars now display an alert of the next auction
  • Thumbnail edits limited to Silver and Gold users
  • Address and Hours fields added to Museums


  • City removed from location filters, some users were experiencing timeouts, page malfunctioning and stuttering due to the large set of options
August 2023

New Features

  • Auction Houses page
  • Museums page
  • Alert for upcoming auction on the top of car details page
  • Percentage of filled fields displayed on car lists and car details pages
  • Reputation Points page
  • Show user's liked, seen and dream garage cars with colored icons on car lists
  • Verified Collections


  • New filters to display only verified profiles, collections, museums and auctions
  • Added Current Collection, Previous Collection and Previous Location fields to serach filter.
  • Make list can now be filtered by name
  • Size increase on profile image upload


  • Sales History open to all logged-in users
  • Build Sheet open to all logged-in users
  • Window Sticker open to all logged-in users
  • Collection Upload is now open to all users
  • "ASIAN" added to Original Market
  • Location History value reduced to 0.5 points


  • Fixed Sales History empty in car details after an edit being accepted/processed
  • Fixed Make list filter not displaying results when uppercase
  • Fixed Window Sticker not being saved on car upload
  • Fixed Sales History bug on car upload
  • Fixed VIN and Plaque edits not displaying the number if there was no image
July 2023

New Features

  • New Collection page, focused on content and media, with both current and previous cars lists
  • Window Sticker image field now available
  • Dream Garage can now be expanded based on the user's reputation, every 300 reputation points grants an extra slot


  • New page banner layout
  • Banner / Cover image upload now avalable on Collections


  • Collection field on car upload and submit edit changed to a list, enabling car's previous collections entries
  • New fields on Sales History - Seller name / link, mileage and status


  • Fixed section titles being cut on mobile
  • Fixed plaque number bug that in certain cases allowed "zero" value entry
May 2023

New Features

  • Every user now has a profile category field inside the account
  • New payment gateway, Green Payments /
  • Dream Garage added to profile pages, users can choose up to 6 cars to display
  • List of users who selected a car to their Dream Garage
  • Sort by "Dream Garage" added to filters
  • User verification mark added


  • Image handling and image exhibition functions revised


  • Currency selection available on MSRP and Sales History
  • Visibility of some car detail fields changed
  • User reputation calculation has been changed, different weights have been assigned to each submit edit field
  • Owner Name removed
  • "Seen" changed to "Spotted" to avoid misleading tagging


  • Fixed payment gateway errors when validating transactions
  • Fixed the new membership buttons not displaying the payment form
  • Fixed new images not being displayed on submit edits / queue, negative votes related to this issue were removed
  • Fixed License Plate flag not being displayed after an edit
April 2023


  • Automatic edit approval/decline changed from 10 votes to 7 votes


  • Profile photo now can be removed
  • List of users who Liked and Seen / Spotted a car are available again
March 2023

New Features

  • New layout, more modern and fully responsive (from mobile to 4k / 8k devices)
  • New Media Kit page
  • New F.A.Q. page
  • New car details fields:
    • Model Year
    • Original Market Spec
    • MSRP
    • Last Known Km/Miles
    • Transmission


  • Increased max photo upload size to 5MB


  • Automatic edit approval/decline changed from 4 votes to 10 votes
  • Reputation now have a new formula, now it take points from wrong votes and edits
  • Silver Member reputation to become Gold Member is now 1000 points
  • History and Intersting Facts fields merged into Information field
  • Options / Specs renamed to Build Sheet
  • Angles Gallery renamed to Pro Gallery


  • Fixed car thumbnails cropping oddly on mobile car details pages
  • Fixed location infos, racing infos and specs sentences with quotes being cut in half when submitting an edit
February 2023


  • TVR Sagaris cars merge (removed years as version)


  • Fixed chassis filters not displaying cars with number and letters chassis
January 2023


  • Fixed filters with status field "clean title" bringing all cars
December 2022


  • Porsche Carrera GT cars merge (removed years as version)
  • Ford GT cars merge (removed years as version)
November 2022


  • Fixed page loading issues after uploading cars or submiting edits
October 2022


  • Profile page car filters fixed when sorting by likes and seen


  • Login and user verification scripts altered to improve page loading time


  • Thumbnails can be edited by all users
  • "Sale link" can be edited and viewed by all users
August 2022

New Features

  • New Credits fields added in photos
  • Gallery now can be re-ordered
  • Added car angles gallery;
  • VIN now has an image that can be attached to it (previously was a option on the gallery)
  • Prodution number now has an image that can be attached to it (previously was a option on the gallery)
  • All photos credits fields have search (after 3 chars)
  • New status: Restored, Post-Production, Static Model, Road Converted, Recreation, Repaired


  • License plate now supports blank spaces and "-"


  • Inserted and updated photos are now linked to the uploader
  • Chassis changed to alphanumeric
  • Gallery view on edits, queue and updates changed to fit more content
  • "For sale" status removed, the car will be automatic listed as for sale if the saleslink is filled
  • Car details page optimization


  • After many owner's requests for privacy, both owner name and owner instagram fields are now gold member only
July 2022

New Features

  • Added filters on the queue page;
  • Advanced filter on the collections page
  • Membership level visibility added to collections


  • Fixed registration and password reset e-mails being blocked by some email hosts
  • The queue page no longer moves with the vote confirmation message


  • Car search page optimization
  • Queue page optimization
  • Updates page optimization
  • Pagination added to updates page
  • Collections page optimization
  • Homepage optimization
June 2022

New Features

  • Profiles list / search page
  • Cars' History
  • Cars' Interesting Facts
  • Cars' Racing History
  • Cars' Spec / options list
  • Youtube videos can be submitted / linked to cars (Gold Members only)
  • Similar cars lists are new displayed at the end of car detail pages


  • Collections can now be removed on car's submit edits


  • New list layout to display Location History
  • For Sale checkbox added on car filters, display cars with for sale status and non empty sale links
  • New standard image for profiles
May 2022


  • Fixed car list on model page displaying duplicates and only one car per line after an ad
  • Fixed sort by filters not displaying results if empty or not set on following pages: List, Profile, Models and Collections
  • Fixed error 500 page when changing email due to a logout function problem
  • Fixed errors when editing cars with empty or corrupted images
  • Fixed wrong search numbers (production and listed) being displayed on model page


  • Upload image / thumbnail function reviewed to prevent errors and blank / corrupted images
  • Votes now display usernames of submitted reasons
April 2022


  • Logout no longer display 404 error page
  • Votes working normally at queue, car details and requests
  • Fixed version filter at models and list pages displaying multiple "one-off" options and wrong numbers
  • Fixed sign in and forgot/change password e-mails not being delivered


  • New user icons
  • New status: Prototype, Pre-Production and Unrestored
  • Make / Model page with better logos and banners
November 2021


  • Fixed voting problems on Queue
  • Fixed Profile Likes and Seen list filters
  • Fixed make / model filter on profile page displaying duplicated options


  • Highlight for new items on Changelog
  • New Layout for Makes
  • New Layout for Car Upload/Edit
  • New Layout for Collection Upload/Edit
  • New Layout for Collection List
  • New Layout for Page Not Found(404)
  • New homepage layout
  • New page to Gold and Trusted users send requests (new models, colors and interiors)
  • Color and Interior requests are accepted / declined automatically with 4 x 0 votes
  • New Layout, cleaner and more objective (not all pages are fully redesigned yet)
  • Thumbnail edit extended to trusted users
  • Sort by chassis on search
  • Model requests now ordered by vote quantity
  • New models (20+) will be added on Fridays
  • New models (20-) will be added on Wednesday
  • Car level
October 2021


  • Owner name added again
  • Licence plate location now includes states and countries
  • On profile seen/like list now by date marked, not upload date
  • Collections list on homepage now properly ordered by latest uploaded
  • Updated changelog
  • Member only car on lists appearing as Gold Member Only or Public
  • Fixed long words/text contents trespassing field and layout boundaries
  • Fixed all sale link being converted to lowercase


  • Included a new badge, Trusted User, which will grant some benefits to the user on the site, regardless of member level (more information about it soon)
  • Order by production number on filters (silver and gold)
  • Trusted users can upload cars directly without admins approval
  • Test VIN, production number and chassis before submit/upload car
  • Filter on uploads, seen and like list on profile
  • Search by plate
  • Search by location (only the ones set on database)
  • Site now can be instaled and used as a Mobile APP on Android
  • Car plate search filter
  • Thumbnail edit (Gold Members only for now)
  • Sale Link (Gold Members only)
September 2021


  • Owner name set only for gold members
  • Search filter fixes
  • Fixed some thumbnail and gallery images getting currupted on upload


  • Automaticaly accept or decline an edit when 4 x 0 votes
  • Added functionality to list all owner's cars directly from the details page
  • HTTP2 over SSL
  • GPDR
  • Server side improvements
  • Better cache and image compression
  • SEO optimizations
  • New filters on model page
August 2021

New website

  • Improved Layout
  • Responsive and 100% suited for celphones
  • Faster and more secure


  • Security improvements
  • Sale link removed (it will be back sometime in future updates)
  • Maps removed (it will be back sometime in future updates)
  • Linked Cars removed (it will be back sometime in future updates)
  • Blog removed, but soon it will be back with news and warnings about the site
  • Picture credit now can be set to each picture individually
  • Old site picture credits are kept and displayed in a separate field for now, after some months it will be removed
  • Addition of a separate thumbnail picture
  • Car's main thumbnail have 4:3 aspect rate
  • Car's thumbnail on gallery at details page have 16:9 aspect rate
  • Updated details page with more information
  • Updated chassi, VIN and production number verification to prevent duplicates
  • Search updated with more filters
  • Introduction of collections, new page and ability to add cars to them
  • New car status field
  • New modifications field, to separate car improvements from the general information field
  • New location system, now can be set multiple locations at once, be rearranged and also has a information field to each
  • New edit system
  • New voting system
  • New makes page
  • New model page
  • Improved account/profile page, with more fields and an option to upload your photo/avatar
  • Improved queue page with added functionality
  • Membership now can be bought directly from the website and is automatically processed
  • Improved method to activate account, reset password and change e-mail
  • New makes and models are announced and voted on instagram
August 2020



  • Fixed location search for locations with special character like 'ä', 'ü', ..
  • Fixed direct model links for car models which only contain numbers
  • Various layout fixes on filter pages


  • Cleanup URLs for filtering
  • Route all URLs through this same filtering function
  • Improve usage of view style setting


Added Cars

  • Aston Martin Vantage Heritage Racing Edition (60)
  • Lamborghini Sián FKP 37 (63)
  • McLaren 620R (350)
  • Porsche 993 911 GT2 (194)
  • Porsche 959 (329)


  • General updates and improvements
July 2020



  • Fixed the 'time ago' calculation on the verify edits and updates pages



  • Fixed an issue where member-only content was available to non-members
June 2020



  • Due to the high amount of edits and owner privacy, extra info and sumbitting extra info is now restricted to members only.
    • Extra edits with options on the car will no longer be allowed as this will be moved into a new system in the future
    • Extra edits with temporary info (like 'Location unknown since sale') will no longer be allowed as this will be moved into a new system in the future.


  • Cars uploaded as member only will now still be visible to the original uploader if his membership expires
May 2020



  • Display message to let users know if their membership has expired



  • Added a new sorting option to sort on the amount of times a car has been marked as 'seen' by users


  • Production and chassis numbers on linked cars are no longer shown to non-members
April 2020



  • Added new option on the upload page to specify if the car is LHD or RHD
  • Edits being rejected because the same edit was previously declined will now only be rejected if the edit was declined within the last month


  • Sorting of cars by number and chassis is now only available for members
March 2020



  • Members can now also accept previous location edits once the score is high enough.
    • Important: Do not upvote the edit if the location position isn't correct, since admins can now no longer double check this
  • The position on previous location edits will now automatically be set to add a location to the end of the list. The position can still be changed if needed. This is to reduce the amount of wrong edits where users don't bother providing the correct position
  • Added a notification to inform members an edit they upvoted needs to be verified by an admin

Added Cars

  • Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Super Trofeo Stradale Blancpain Edition (12)
February 2020



  • Since the amount of members is increasing, edits now require 5 upvotes to be automatically accepted
  • Banned users are now excluded from the user count on the stats page


  • Reduced the amount of notifications on the verify edits page to a maximum of 2


Added Cars

  • Bentley Continental GT3-R (300)
  • Porsche 911 GT2 RS Clubsport (200)
  • Porsche 935 2019 (77)
  • Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series (350)
  • Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6x6 (150)
  • Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM AMG Coupé (100)
  • Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM AMG Convertible (80)



  • Added a new edit option "Note to admin". This can now be used to let an admin know when something needs to be fixed manually on a car (not possible via edit).
    • These edits are not visible in the edit history
    • Previously these type of edits (submitted via an extra edit) were deleted, causing users not to earn any reputation points. This was added to let users earn reputation points without filling up the edit history with unnecessary information


  • Tweaks to verify edits page.
    • Extra and note to admin edits on the verify edits page will now only show fields that contain information, optimizing the use of screen space
    • Prevent long data from overflowing and breaking the table
    • Made the vote explanation field expandable
    • Shuffled some things around on the mobile version


  • Location history no longer requires a Silver membership and is now visible to everyone with an account.
    • This is to prevent non-members submitting duplicate locations

Added Cars

  • Lamborghini One-Off



  • Fixed some issues in the seen / liked stats that showed models that are no longer on the website. This was caused by cars that were renamed
January 2020



  • Extended the profile settings with an option that allows users to choose how saved cars (seen & liked) are ordered on user profiles.
    • Switched the default order back to: date saved (from last to first)


  • Tweaked the user reputation calculation to make input more noticeable and reward users more in certain areas.
    • Added the amount of submitted credit items (photographers and data sources) into the calculation
    • Increased the reward for edit votes (member only)



  • Added a 'logout on all devices' button to the settings page (security tab)
  • Added image moving functionality to the admin panel to easily make images Silver or Gold member only


  • Security improvements for the settings page


  • Fixed the 'remember me' functionality when using multiple devices
  • When not using the 'remember me' functionality, your session will now expire after a period of inactivity
December 2019


Added Cars

  • McLaren Senna LM (20)
  • McLaren Senna Can-Am (3)
  • Bugatti EB112 (3)
  • SSC Tuatara (100)


  • Added member only image section for Silver members
  • Various additions and improvements to the admin panel



  • Improved explanation of the difference between Silver & Gold membership on the membership page.
    • Added info on how to obtain Gold membership
  • Extended the rules on the info page with an edits and upload privacy section


  • Fixed an issue where member only cars wouldn't get shown in the results when filtering
  • Locked Gold member only cars for Silver members, on the edit voting page
  • Fixed some makes not being automatically set in the filter menu when having clicked on a make or model link



  • Added filtering for seen / liked cars on user profiles.
    • You can now filter by make & model by clicking on the stats badges
  • General improvements to the loading of seen / liked cars
  • Made some changes to the calculation of user reputation
November 2019



  • User reputation beta.
    • You can now see a user's reputation on their profile
    • This calculation is made based upon: the amount of uploads, accepted edits, declined edits, edit votes (as a member), member level and days since you joined the website
    • We will evaluate this system and make changes to the calculation where necessary


  • Updated the stats page.
    • New table layout with separated tables for each type of statistic
    • Added new statistics to show the amount of member only and public cars
    • Updated the user statistics to the new member levels


  • Fix incorrect member lock information for cars on the member only verify edits page
  • Remove queue size in navigation dropdown to reduce database requests / load



  • Optimize membership differences table for mobile devices


  • Update page descriptions and titles to hide member only content
  • Update recent updates section on the homepage to support new memberlevels


This update brings a complete redesign of the user system, specifically on the content that users are able to see based on their account type.
Since the website has grown quite a lot over the last year(s) we are forced to make some changes to this core functionality.
With these changes we also aim to protect the data our users often worked hard for to obtain, since previously this easily got used without any credit to the user(s) or even Exclusive Car Registry itself.
See the updated membership page for an overview of the benefits for each membership type


  • Production and chassis numbers are no longer visible to free users. Due to this free users will also no longer be able to:
    • Filter on production and chassis number
    • Go to a car from the "already uploaded" info message when entering production or chassis number info
  • To protect the privacy of the owners, location history is now only visible to members.
    • This includes the location history list on the details page and the location history display on the map
  • VINs are no longer visible to all members.
    • These users can no longer go to a car from the "already uploaded" info message when entering a VIN
  • Added a new membership type that's above the previously known membership and below administrators.
    • This membership can only be acquired by contributing to the website
    • Currently there are no set criteria to get this membership. To improve transparency with users we will try to add this in the future
    • See the updated membership page for all info on membership types
  • Increased membership price to € 25 / year.
    • This is to cover increasing costs
    • Existing members will keep their active membership until it expires, without having to pay this increase in price


  • Added dynamic lock icons that change depending on membership level
  • Updated member icons to represent the new membership types


  • Fix pagination on edit queue. (loading animation, incorrect URL)
  • Set the for sale checkbox in the filter as checked on the for sale page
  • Fix 'member only pictures' info message on detail pages sometimes not appearing in the correct position
October 2019



  • Automatically remove unnecessary whitespace from input on uploads
  • Prevent whitespace input on multiple input fields (picture credit, data source, ...)
  • Fixed the undefined previous location marker info message on the detailed map view for cars with previous locations in the new format


  • Added an additional backend check to prevent duplicate uploads


Added Cars

  • Ferrari Monza (499)
    • Combined between Monza SP1 & SP2
  • McLaren Senna GTR (75)
  • Lamborghini Miura SV (147)
  • Lamborghini Miura SVJ (3)
  • Lamborghini Miura Roadster (1)
  • BMW M1 (399)
  • BMW M1 Procar (54)
September 2019


Added Cars

  • McLaren Speedtail (106)
  • Bugatti Centodieci (10)
  • Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63 Roadster (63)
  • Pagani Huayra Imola (5)
  • Pagani Huayra Dinastia (3)
    • Moved the three Huayra Dinastia's from Huayra One-Off into their own section


  • Added some new options to the edit functionality.
    • With owner's Instagram edits, there is now an option to remove the owner
    • With license plate edits, there is now an option to remove the license plate
  • The "save to previous locations" option on location edits is now on by default
  • General improvements to the handling of edits in the back-end


  • Prevent certain license plates being converted into telephone links on Apple devices
  • Small improvement to the edit history on mobile devices.
    • The website will now more accurately slide to the bottom of the edit history table when opened
August 2019



  • Added a new option to location edits to save the current location (before the edit) as a previous location.
    • This option automatically creates a "previous location" edit from the current location, and adds it to the end of the previous locations list. Essentially submitting two edits from one


  • Fixed some incorrect error messages and error highlighting while submitting edits
  • Minor fixes to the edit system


  • Deleted ~190 inactive users, another 200 recently active users who still haven't activated their account are still pending to be deleted



  • While uploading a car, the website will now also check to see if the provided VIN is already on the website
  • Curly quotes are now allowed in edit info messages


  • Fixed an issue where the duplicate licenseplate check on uploading would display "Car #0" if the car only had a chassis number



  • Improved detection of duplicate uploads when uploading a car
  • Improvements to the warning & error messages on the upload page


  • "Better pictures" edits are now available again after we have cleared the long queue.
    • Reminder: Pictures that don't provide a clear improvement over the current ones will be declined. We also ask not to submit these, which will help in keeping the queue / waiting time to a minimum

Added Cars

  • Pagani Huayra Roadster BC (40)
  • Ferrari 812 N-Largo (18)
  • McLaren 720S N-Largo (15)
July 2019



  • Improved autocomplete (uploading and edits).
    • Added autocomplete for dealer input
    • From 2 characters matching suggestions will be shown, from 4 characters all suggestions will be shown. For example: up to 4 characters all known photographers will be suggested with picture credit input, from 4 onwards data sources and dealers will also be shown
    • Suggestions are taken from the member managed credit database
  • Added "dealer" as a credit type
  • Currency symbols are now allowed in edits


  • Changed the link in the "already uploaded" warning message on the upload page to use the new link format



  • Fixed the "no longer for sale" edit issue that would unnecessary generate a link
  • The footer on details pages will now always stick to the bottom of the page


  • Restrict all Instagram username input fields to only allow valid input
  • Minor visual improvements



  • Improved previous location edit overview on the (member only) verify edits page.
    • The position (order) for the previous location will now be shown so that members can take this into account when voting
    • Updated titles to fit with this type of edit


  • Corrected some things in the backend for the edit voting system



  • Members voting on the "verify edits" page will now affect cars directly.
    • Once the score for an edit reaches 3 upvotes the edit will automatically be applied to the car
    • This is currently available for all edits except: pictures, previous location and extra info
    • After evaluating this system, it will be improved so that edits with 3 downvotes will automatically be deleted
    • Note: From now on a previous location edit will have to be made each time a location edit is made, since admins will no longer be able to manually provide this

Added Cars

  • Ford GTX1 (50)
  • Dodge Viper GTS-R Commemorative Edition ACR (100)
  • Renamed the Ferrari 599XX Evo to Ferrari 599XX, updated production number to 60.
    • All 599XX cars are now combined, it's mentioned in the extra info if the car has the Evo package
June 2019



  • Temporarily disabled better picture edits until the queue is cleared.
    • Please only upload picture edits when the pictures are a real improvement over the current ones

Added Cars

  • Porsche Turbo S Exclusive Series Cabriolet (200)


  • Added additional verification to prevent new accounts being able to use existing usernames with different letter capitalization


  • Added additional error messages on the upload page
  • Multiple improvements to the backend
May 2019



  • Verify edits (members).
    • You can now change your vote after you've already voted
    • Added time icon to show when the edit was submitted
    • Added user type icons
    • Added member icon to show if the car is member only
    • This page is now optimized for mobile devices
  • Updated footer design
April 2019



  • Unknown cars.
    • Added unknown cars filtering option
    • Cars marked as unknown will not show up in the default feed but will be shown when searching
    • Note: Unknown cars still can't be uploaded (this will come in the future). This update is to highlight the cars on the website that need identifying
  • Added updates and unknown cars pages to navbar dropdown menu


  • VIN edits are now hidden for non members on the updates page
  • Mobile links now also use the view option defined in the settings



  • Updates page.
    • Added user type icon to edits
    • Edits for member only cars are now included for non members (information remains hidden)
  • Profile.
    • Added user type icon
    • Added an icon that shows when a user is banned



  • New updates page. This page now shows all recent edits, what they changed, when they were made and who submitted them


  • We've added user banning to try and keep the information displayed on the website reliable. Users who don't follow the rules or continuously submit false information will now be banned


  • Fixed the incorrect error message that could appear when uploading a car
  • Fixed the remove icon on added extra info labels (upload page)

Added Cars

  • Ferrari F40 LM (19)
  • Ferrari F40 Competizione (10)
  • Ferrari F40 GT (7)
  • Ferrari F50 GT (3)
  • Ferrari F12 N-Largo (25)
  • Ferrari F12 N-Largo S (11)
  • Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster (800)
  • Mercedes-Benz SLR 722 GT (21)
  • Noble M600 (50)
March 2019



  • Activated HTTPS / SSL for improved security.
    • Thanks to the users who have purchased a membership we are now able to provide this service
  • Reversed the order of edits on the verify edits page. Most recent edits are now shown first


  • Fixed some issues introduced by the last update
  • Fixed issues with uploading images.
    • Fixed misalignment of the add files button, causing the file input screen to not trigger sometimes
  • Minor design tweaks
February 2019


This update brings a refresh to the design of the website as well as several improvements over the previous version


  • New navigation menu on mobile devices.
    • Improved fullscreen layout
    • Added more pages so users can easily navigate to all pages
  • New and improved design for warning and error messages
  • New upload page.
    • Changed the layout on bigger screens to maximize the use of available screen space
    • Uploading is new available on mobile devices. (Due to the amount of input we still recommend using a desktop device for uploading.)
  • Improvements to details pages.
    • Edit history now also shows the user type icons
    • Non-members will now see a message if there are member-only images attached to an upload
    • Allowed more special characters when submitting edits
  • Improved the behavior of the image carousel on the homepage.
    • The carousel will now slightly resize to fit the image that is shown
    • Improved loading of the carousel on mobile devices
  • Added South and North Korea to filter options instead of just Korea
  • Members can now add entries to the credit database with special characters in the name


  • Added a membership page to explain the benefits and let users activate a membership
  • Added a rules section to the info page to explain features that are often misused


  • Fixed the blurry image preview when uploading images
  • Re-enabled the previous location path on the map for recent cars (and recently updated cars)


Added Cars

  • McLaren 720S Spa 68 Collection (3)
  • Zagato Mostro (5)
  • Bugatti EB110 GT (95)
  • Bugatti EB110 SS (31)
  • Lamborghini Diablo SV-R (31)
  • Saleen S7 Le Mans Edition (7)
  • Split the Porsche 911 GT1 Straßenversion in 2 sections.
    • Porsche 993 GT1 Straßenversion (2)
    • Porsche 996 GT1 Straßenversion (21)
January 2019



  • Added autocomplete for picture credit on picture edits
  • Improved edit validation. Submitting the same value as the one currently displayed will now be rejected
  • Added member expiry verification


  • The page now scrolls down automatically when the edit history is opened. (previously this didn't always trigger correctly)



  • Fixed the automatic loading of the make and model in the filter menu when clicking on a make or model link
  • Added exception to URLs to allow for credit names with special characters
  • Fixed the broken dealer input field when submitting an edit
  • Fixed the edit input field being limited to 17 characters when a VIN edit was just submitted


Added Cars

  • Added Zagato cars to move these from Ferrari Special Projects into their own section.
    • Ferrari 599 GTZ Nibbio Zagato (9)
    • Ferrari 575 GT Zagato (6)
    • Ferrari 550 Barchetta Zagato (2)
  • Split the Aston Martin V12 Vantage V600 so Roadsters have their own section.
    • Aston Martin V12 Vantage V600 Roadster (7)


  • Added autocomplete for picture credit and data source on upload. Predictions are taken from the member managed credit database


  • Alignment fixes for new icons from previous update


Added Cars

  • Lamborghini Diablo GTR (40)
  • BMW M3 E92 GTS (150)


  • User type is now shown with an icon next to the username on the details pages
  • New icons on the details pages
  • Members: When downvoting an edit, an explanation is now required


  • Fixed search not working for certain countries (Brunei, Czechia, Russia) due to inconsistencies in the names
December 2018



  • Edit voting.
    • Current value is now shown (when applicable). This makes it easier to see why an edit was made
    • Design improvements
  • The amount of liked cars and the amount of edit votes (only for members) has been added to the user profile stats
  • Edit voting stats have been added to the stats page


  • Sale edits will no longer be blocked if there are previous sale edits with the same value, this allows for sale edits when a car gets sold at the same dealership twice
  • Fixed the last updated time not being updated automatically when a new previous location was added
  • Fixed the 'add new credit' link not working for members



  • Edit voting (member only)
    • Members can vote on submitted edits (with the exception of image edits), this is to improve the edit verification process and prevent edits going back and forth when users disagree with another edit
    • Upvote to agree with the edit and downvote to disagree
    • You can provide an explanation to your vote (enter explanation before voting). An explanation isn't required but is appreciated when downvoting
    • The edit voting screen is accessible via the profile dropdown (above settings)
    • This feature is currently not supported on mobile devices, but this can be included in future improvements
  • Added account activation when creating a new user account.
    • Current users can activate their account on the profile page
    • Inactive accounts will be deleted in the future


  • Improved automated emails (password reset, activation links)


  • Fixed notification messages being hidden when cookies aren't accepted
  • Fixed loading issue that could occur on certain browsers when user timezone could not be detected
  • Small code tweaks



  • When logging in users are now able to tick a 'keep me logged in' chechbox. This will remove the frustrations of having to login each time when using the website


  • Various security improvements (user accounts, logins, submissions)


  • Fixed an issue that prevented edits from being submitted when certain special characters were used
  • Fixes to admin features
November 2018



  • Changed edit validation to let multiple same location edits through
  • Fixed an issue that prevented opening the edit panel when not signed in
  • Added extra verification to retrieve the username on edit submission
  • Fixed an issue that caused the like / seen buttons staying highlighted after using them on mobile devices



  • Extra filter to select state when country is United States and province when country is Canada


  • Edit improvements.
    • Added a country (and state / province) dropdown to the licenseplate edit
    • New licenseplates will now have a flag next to them (like location edits) in the edit history. Previous licenseplates won't have this flag since they are not saved
    • Brought back the ability to add extra info to sale edits
  • Improved loading of country inputs
  • Various improvements / tweaks to admin features


  • Input of smaller locations (usually areas within a bigger city) is now prevented due to issues with requesting data of these locations through the Google API
  • Changed loading of cars to stack newly loaded in cars more horizontally.
    • This should fix the issue where the middle row of cars would continue further than the outer rows
    • Due to horizontal stacking cars can be less chronological from left to right
  • Changed the layout of the images on details pages to display them next to one another again instead of above each other. (only cars with 2 images)
    • This was changed unknowingly in a recent update
  • Fixed a double border on cars with more than one previous location



  • Implemented a fix for the issue some users experienced while uploading images through the better pictures edit. This was caused by a slow internet connection or hiccup in network traffic
  • Improved security for member only uploads so data can no longer be crawled through Open Graph (link previews on social media)



  • New credit system.
    • Photographers and data sources can now be saved on the website
    • They have a dedicated page where you'll see the website and / or Instagram page of the photographer or source
    • Members can create and update these pages
    • More features will be added for this system once more photographers and sources have been saved
  • Changed URL validation to be less aggressive

Note: Since some users don't use the feature of linking cars the way it was intended, the creating and updating of credit pages will currently remain member only.
As a reminder the linking system is only for cars that are the same but rebuilt as another model or that are in a group like the Ferrari 70th Anniversary liveries and NOT for linking cars of the same owner


Various changes to edit handling


  • Changes to the edit validation.
    • When submitting a number or chassis edit, you will be notified if a car with the entered number or chassis is already on the website
    • The same edit won't be able to get uploaded twice. This compares edits in queue as well as ones that have been declined before
  • Additions to edits.
    • Previous location edits now have the ability to submit the position of the location. 1 up to 15 where 1 is the earliest known location (for example: first owner)
    • Sale edits now have a "no longer for sale" chechbox for ease of use. You can still provide information with these edits if needed (for example: sold for x amount at auction)
    • Sale edits with a new link will now be verified for a valid URL and require the name of the dealer in the second field. Information can't be sumbitted through these edits
  • Various security improvements


  • Tweaks to likes / seen cars lists on user profiles.
    • Fixed alignment of the liked cars list
    • Corrected an issue with the loading of these lists
  • Changed a database setting that prevented the ability to delete your account
  • Fixed the alignment of notifications on mobile devices


  • Code cleanup and improvements

Added Cars

  • Saleen S7R (20)
    • Added to be able to correct an S7R that was uploaded as S7


Added Cars

  • Aston Martin DBS 59 (24)
  • Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf (200)
October 2018



  • Added the ability to like cars.
    • This is to extend the system of saving cars you've seen, by letting you save cars you haven't seen (yet)
    • New ordering option in the filter: 'popularity'. This will return liked cars either ascending or descending on the number of likes
    • Likes are stored on your profile page, the same way as seen cars
  • Stats of saved cars.
    • Both the liked / seen cars list on your profile now have a button to display the stats of those lists
    • This will show the amount of cars per make and model that are saved in a list


  • Tweaks to the liked / seen cars system.
    • The counter will now change immediately when pressing the button. (The liked / seen by window will only update after the page has been reloaded)
    • Changes to the code so cars can no longer be accidentally saved twice
  • Added an empty option to each select list from the filter (make, model, country), to be able to reset the value without having to reset the whole filter
  • Animation added to the stats on the profile page


  • Fixed an issue where filtering on the country of Taiwan would not return any results



  • Improved title, view option and filter toggle alignment on cars, list and filter pages on mobile devices
  • Added a title to the list view when going to a specific make or model
  • Further improvements to loading selected model only specifications


  • Fixed an issue where the selected model would not get automatically entered in the filter options when in list view
  • Fixed an issue that would redirect to a 404 page when using the filters on the list view



  • Complete new system for saving cars you've seen.
    • See who else has saved a car
    • Improved save / unsave button design and added notification
    • New and improved backend for this system will allow for more functionality around this feature in the future
    • All saved cars have been merged to the new system
    • Note: Cars that are saved from now on will show the users in order of saving in the 'Seen By' list, but cars that were saved with the old system show the users in the order of account creation
  • Filter autocomplete changes.
    • When selecting a model, specification autocomplete will now only show colors and interiors for that model instead of all specifications for the selected make
    • If only a make is selected all colors and interiors known for that make on the website will still be shown
  • Moved notifications to the bottom left to reduce overlapping with website content
  • Improved details table header layout
  • General improvements to the database structure


Added Cars

  • Ferrari 250 GTO (36)
  • Lamborghini Gallardo LP550-2 Valentino Balboni (250)
  • Saleen S7 (38)
  • Saleen S7 Twin Turbo (20)
  • Mosler MT900 (14)
  • Mosler MT900S (20)
  • Aston Martin DB10 (10)
  • Changed the Jaguar Project 7 to Jaguar F-Type Project 7 to have the official name


  • Added a message to the filter page to inform users when no cars were found
  • Changed owner and uploader autocomplete fields to only suggest items when 2 characters are entered. This is to prevent a long list of matching items


  • Filter menu
    • Fixed the issue where the filter menu on mobile devices would close when scrolling down
    • Further improvements to the auto height adjusting
    • Fixed the filter menu button staying highlighted after tapping on it on mobile devices
  • Removed the unnecessary / being added to the URL when scrolling down on the cars page
  • Fixed the issue where cars & list pages would only load one block of cars when having selected a make
September 2018



  • New list view.
    • Complete new design to make use of all available screen space
    • Now with filtering options
    • Dynamic loading
    • This page is now also optimized for use on smaller screens but we recommend using grid view on small screens
  • New option on the settings page that allows you to choose a default view option.
    • On mobile devices and smaller screens the view style will default to grid view
  • Dynamic loading on queues (cars and edits), with improved ordering
  • Improved switching between view styles.
    • The same filters will be kept when switching
    • Clicking on the active view option will reset current filters
  • Updated toggle design on settings page


  • Made a change so the filter sidemenu goes under the footer. This fixes an issue on smaller screens where the social buttons would appear over the filter menu
  • Fixed an issue on the 'Cars for sale' page where only one batch of cars could be loaded
  • Removed animation when opening the filter menu on smaller screens to reduce wait time
  • Resolved an issue where the filter menu would not resize properly along with the page
  • Fixed the model dropdown in the filter sidemenu not resizing properly when resizing the browser window


This is a combined list of changes made since the last update


  • Added an account recovery system. This is accessible from the login page and lets you recover your account when you forgot your password


  • New layout for the homepage slider on mobile devices.
    • Titles have been moved up and made smaller as well as more see-through to see more of the slider image
    • All slider action buttons have been removed. The action of the main button has been moved to the image. For example: to go to the latest upload you tap the center of the image
  • All dates will now be converted to the user's actual timezone.
    • This only works for users that are logged in, otherwise the default timezone (UTC) will be shown
  • Changed the edit history table to show VIN edits with a padlock for non-members instead of fully hiding those edits.
    • This solves the problem of empty edit history tables for non-members when the only edit was a VIN edit
  • Increased the number of cars that can be saved on the 'seen cars' list
  • Added statistics logging on user logins


  • Removed the issue where the homepage slider would disappear on mobile devices when scrolling up and down
  • Changed the design of the homepage slider subtitles so they no longer overlap when too long to fit on screen
  • Added an error message to licenseplate edits that requires you to enter the country of registration
  • Fixed models with a '.' (such as Bugatti Veyron 16.4) not being selected automatically in the filter menu when viewing them by clicking on the model
  • Made a design tweak to the seen cars title on the profile page so it no longer disappears on desktop devices
  • Fixed thumbnails of recent uploads not showing in the seen cars list due to a recent filesystem change
  • Added the same new loading animation from other pages to the seen cars list

Added Cars

  • Aston Martin V12 Vantage V600 (14)
    • 7 Coupes and 7 Roadsters



  • Searching on color will now show cars with colors similar to the given search.
    • For example: Filters: McLaren P1, Blue. This search will now show all P1s with Blue in the color (Azure Blue, Burton Blue, ...) instead of only the exact matched color


  • Slightly improved security to custom search on the filter page



  • Improved declined edits tables for mobile devices
  • Changed the all declined edits table on profile to show the most recent first
  • The edits will now show the date when the edit was accepted instead of when it was submitted. The date of submission will still be visible when clicking or hovering over the date.
    • Note: This only works for edits accepted from today onwards, previous edits only have the date of submission
  • Changed declined edits on profile to show edits that are within a week of of being declined instead of the submission date.
    • Note: edits declined earlier this week might not show in the weekly table but will show in the all declined edits table
  • Updated the owner's cars links with the new URL format

Removed Cars

  • Removed the BMW M3 30 Jahre due to low popularity and the car being quite similar to regular M3s with the Competition Pack. 500 cars with the same spec is also not that intersting to collect



  • Filtering cars is now also possible on mobile (or smaller screen) devices
  • Slightly different animation for loading in new cars


  • When scrolling down a list of cars, your position in the list will now be remembered again if you hit the back button after viewing a car
  • Fixed a minor alignment issue with the member lock tooltip


Added Cars

  • Lamborghini Aventador J (2)
  • Lamborghini Aventador SVJ (900)
  • Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63 (63)
  • Bugatti Divo (40)
  • Rimac Concept One (8)
  • Rimac Concept S (2)
  • Jaguar XE SV Project 8 (300)


  • Corrected an issue introduced by the latest update that caused edits not being able to be submitted.
    • This means all edits made since the 31st of August are not saved. We apologize for the inconvenience
August 2018



  • New filters added.
    • Cars can now be filtered based on location (city) and country
  • Added owner's Instagram autocomplete on the edit form
  • More characters are now allowed in the edit form message field. (For example: !,?, ...)


  • Fixed cars with special characters (for example: é, ó, ...) not being found when selected in the filter menu
  • Fixed an issue for these same cars that caused the selected model to be empty due to the special characters
  • Fixed logo alignment on empty queues



  • Separated cars and edits in queue to each have an individual page for improved loading times when the queue is long
  • Improved design on the owner's cars dropdown (now similar to the previous locations dropdown). This also provides better alignment when viewing on a mobile device
  • Various additions and improvements to administrator pages


  • Resolved an issue where the expand owner's cars button would disappear on smaller screens in rare occasions



  • Added an autocomplete to owner Instagram input fields on both upload and filter pages (based on known owners)
  • Added the new linked functionality to other pages.
    • Linked icons now show on the homepage
    • Linked icons now show on the updates page
    • Added linked functionality to administrator pages


  • Fixed the model dropdown not remembering the selected model in certain occasions on the filter pages
  • Filter ordering dropdowns will now more accurately represent the current order instead of defaulting to the standard order
  • Fixed the for sale chechbox filter not being ticked when going to the for sale page
  • Changed the linking of cars so it no longer sets the updated date, since no entry is added to the edit history


Added Cars

  • Gemballa Mirage GT (25)
    • Allowed to upload both Carrera GT and Gemballa Mirage GT of the same car if linked together. (more info below)
  • Apollo IE (10)
  • Italdesign Zerouno (5)
  • Italdesign Zerouno Duerta (5)
  • Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta (3)
  • Lamborghini Murciélago LP650-4 Roadster (50)
  • Lamborghini Diablo GT (80)
  • Mercedes-Benz SLR Mclaren 722 S Roadster (150)
  • Mercedes-Benz SLR Stirling Moss (75)
  • Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Edition (25)
    • Allowed to upload both original SLR and SLR McLaren Edition of the same car if linked together. (more info below)
  • Pagani Huayra One-Off (10)
    • For additional Huayras that get built and are not a part of the original run of 100 cars
  • Removed Agera Final and separated into 2 different versions. (all are already uploaded)
    • Koenigsegg Agera One of 1 (1)
    • Koenigsegg Agera FE (2)


  • Cars can now be linked together. For example to link the original Carrera GT with the Gemballa Mirage GT it's converted into.
    • Note: This is not to be used to link cars from the same owner since this is already automated by the owners Instagram handle
    • Cars can be linked together trough the edit menu, under the extra info section


  • Removed member-only cars from the search results of non-members
  • Improved stats table layout on mobile devices
  • Removed detailed user stats table from the stats page due to the increasing loading times and the table not being easy to navigate.
    • Detailed user stats are still visible on user profiles
  • Better detection of double uploads on the upload page


  • Fixed previous location edits.
    • Not saving when being accepted by an administrator
    • The previous location edit not showing the location in the edit history
  • Resolved the issue where users could be redirected to a non-existing page when they would try to open an older link of a deleted car
July 2018



  • Corrected the join date on all profiles with the earliest interaction (upload or edit) found in the database
June 2018



  • While improving security on the settings page we've noticed some issues that required us to restore all user settings back to the way they were before the settings update
  • This means that all changes made to your profile since then will unfortunately be lost
  • The settings page is now back with improved security, we're sorry for the inconvenience


Profile and settings now each have their own page


  • New settings page.
    • Same functionality as previously on the profile page
    • Added the ability to add your location
    • Added the ability to share your email with other users (this way users can contact you directly with questions about your uploads)
    • Added the ability to reset your password
    • Added the ability to delete your account


  • New design of the profile page.
    • New stats layout
    • Extra fields added: user location and date joined. Note: Date joined is the date you created your account and not the date of your first upload (for early users)
  • The VIN of a car is now visible to non-members if they uploaded that car or submitted the VIN via edit
  • Improved security on login & signup
  • Improved account creation process.
    • Added info message to better inform users


  • Fixed the show / hide all declined edits button not displaying the correct text sometimes on the profile page
  • Fixed an issue where non-members were able to see VINs in the edit history on mobile devices



  • The VIN field will now also show up for non members (with the message: member only) if the VIN is present for a car.
    • This is to avoid non-members adding the VIN when it is already present


  • Fixed some issues with the latest edit update.
    • Multi input items not aligning correctly
    • Multi input field not resetting on subject change
    • Automatic adding of last item on multi input fields not working
    • Wrong icon on the extra field
    • Failed message not hiding in some cases
  • Added a default sort & order parameter (date descending) to fall back on if there would be a sorting error



  • Fixed an issue that was introduced with recent URL changes, where the profile page would not load in more saved cars when scrolling down



  • Completely reworked edit functionality and new URLs
  • Added new edit buttons (vin, previous location & Instagram)
  • Grouped buttons of the same category for a better overview
  • In addition to the number of pending edits, the edit buttons will now show the number of pending edits for that specific subject
  • Multi-input fields (pictures & extra) will now automatically add the last entered value like on the upload page
  • General design improvements.
    • Improved animations to give a smoother overall experience
    • Maximized screen use on mobile devices
  • New URLs for (former) details pages.
    • This will allow for cars to be merged (double uploads) and deleted easier, making the ability to upload cars without a number possible in a future update
    • Old URLs will still work, but will be redirected to the new format
  • The changelog link in the header will now show an icon to let users know if there has been an update since they last visited the changelog.
    • This only works if you are signed in to your account
  • Other minor code improvements


  • Edit functionality.
    • Fixed alignment of icons on the edit buttons
    • Fixed error message not closing on re-upload


Added cars

  • Ferrari Touring Berlinetta Lusso (5)



  • Added sorting & ordering to the filters.
    • Note: When ordering number & chassis ascending, cars with no number or chassis will show up first since no value is seen as 0
  • Merged user page with filter page to add filter functionality
  • Added filter functionality to the cars make & model specific pages


Added cars

  • BMW M3 E92 DTM Champion Edition (54)



  • Fixed the warning message on the upload page not pointing to already uploaded cars with special characters (é,ó,á,...)
  • Fixed an issue where the URLs for the 911 GT1 Straßenversion wouldn't work due to the 'ß' character


Added cars

  • Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR (20)
    • Specify 1 of 5 Super Sport variant in extra field
  • Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR Roadster (6)
  • Porsche 911 GT1 Straßenversion (22)
  • Ruf CTR3 (31)
  • Alfa Romeo Disco Volante (8)
  • Alfa Romeo Disco Volante Spyder (7)
  • Ferrari Special Projects (50)
    • Note: The total production number is just temporary since additional cars will keep getting built. Some Special Projects have a separate entry (Sergio, J50,...)
  • Lamborghini Murciélago LP640 Versace (20)
  • Jaguar XKR-S GT (45)
May 2018



  • It's now possible to upload the full VIN of a car. This is only visible to members on the details page
  • The data source (for example: where you found the production number) can now be credited


  • Upload
    • Improved the storage of country of registration when it doesn't match the car's location
    • Improved double input verification on picture credit and data source fields
    • Rearranged order to group similar fields
    • Slightly improved error checks
  • Slightly rearranged the order of rows on the details page to group similar fields
  • Increased the maximum number of cars that can be saved to user profiles
  • Admin panel
    • Added recent features (Member only upload, VIN, data source, ...)
    • Design improvements


After a long wait you can now finally filter cars with custom search options. Please note that this is the first version and that it will be improved in the future


  • Filtering cars.
    • Filter cars by: make, model, number, chassis, color, interior, licenseplate, owner's Instagram, uploader and for sale. More filters will be added
    • Currently only available on the cars page. Will be added to the users page later User page removed 9-06-18


  • After logging in you will now always be returned to the page you logged in from



  • Fixed an issue where the Vanquish S Volante Tom Brady Signature Edition would not show the total production


Added cars

  • Lamborghini Murciélago 40th Anniversary (50)
  • David Brown Speedback GT (100)
  • Aston Martin Vantage AMR Pro (7)
  • Morgan Aero GT (8)
  • McLaren 570S Spider Canada Commission (5)
    • Was added 22 April, now included in changelog


  • Reworked list pages.
    • Improved data requests. Recently added cars will now be loaded first, so that the order no longer changes during loading
    • Changed URLs to route all list requests to the same page and make more efficient data requests
    • Clicking the already selected view option (grid or list) will now reset the filters (selected cars / user) and load all data in that view option


  • Fixed the user list page not loading any cars



  • Fixed an issue where users with a '.' in their username couldn't access their profile and uploads



  • Filtering cars on the map is now back.
    • This feature was discontinued a while ago due to the increasing loading times caused by the large amount of cars
    • Totally reworking the code has cut loading times down to almost instantly, allowing this feature to be reintroduced
    • Info: Cars can be filtered from the selection window found by clicking the '+' button


  • Big map update.
    • Major code cleanup: Improved all data requests, marker drawing code, make / model selection, ..
    • Implemented the new member / admin only changes, allowing markers to only show when the user has the rights needed
    • Info windows will now show if the car is member / admin only
    • Adjusted the center of the map based on cars we currently have
    • Slight design tweaks to the info windows
    • Added error messages to inform users if no data is loaded
  • Further improvements on account type verification
  • Minor tweaks to administrator pages
April 2018



  • Members & Administrators can now upload member and administrator only cars respectively.
    • These uploads will only be visible to users with the needed rights. Others will only see the make / model and the country along with a default image, these users also won't be able to access the details page of these cars
  • Pending edit message on details pages


  • Added extra verification on the upload page to prevent double uploads
  • Improved security on account type verification
  • Improved data requests on details pages to minimize loading times / server load
  • Removed unnecessary data requests
  • Minor design improvements on error & info pages
  • Improved error messages on list pages
  • Autofill email address on contact page when logged in


  • Removed unnecessary padding on profile page (seen cars)
  • Fixed grid / list-view buttons & flag tooltip alignment on list pages
  • Fixed button animation on contact page
  • Other minor fixes and improvements



  • Changed the dropdown menu on mobile to make all items fit on screen.
    • Removed the Home page. This page is still accessible by tapping the logo
    • Removed the Upload page. This page is not needed here since uploading is desktop only
    • Extra dropdown with other pages (cars for sale, queue, changelog, ...) is now always opened. This also removes visual glitches that occured when opening / closing this menu on a mobile device
  • Slight changes in layout for the login page on mobile



  • Resolved the issue where it was impossible to remove certain cars (usually first and last) from the seen cars list


  • Improved error handling on the user page
  • Slight changes to the seen cars list when no cars are saved


Added cars

  • Ferrari 70th Anniversary (350)
    • Seventy exclusive liveries inspired by some of the most beautiful Ferraris in history, each created just the once for every car in the current range (F12, GTC4Lusso, 488 GTB, 488 Spider & California T)
    • To keep the Ferrari models list short and clear we've grouped all 70th cars as one rather than 70 different entries
    • Therefore we ask to provide the number of the livery (and the name) as well as the model the livery is on
    • All liveries and more information about them can be found clicking here
  • Jaguar XJ220 (281)



  • New declined edits list on the profile page.
    • This gives an overview of declined edits divided in weekly / all time tables
    • As of today a reason will be provided why the edit was declined
    • Note: previously declined edits won't have a reason
    • Declined edits are only visible for the person who submitted them
  • Added update count to the changelog page


  • Applied a better fix to stick the footer to the bottom of the page on pages with little content
March 2018



  • Added extra functionality to the administrator pages
  • Added horizontal ordering to the queue page


  • Made some modifications to the queue page so it no longer exceeds smaller screens
  • Fixed the active tab color on the queue page to show what is currently being viewed



  • Vehicle specification is now filtered by make and no longer shows specifications from all cars on the site. This will make it easier to find manufacturer specific color and interior names. It also means that it's now possible to upload official interior names. (Prior to this update we saved interiors under general color / material names to prevent the available interior list from becoming too long and unclear.)
    • This change has also been implemented in the edit functionality
  • Improvements to the layout of the edit functionality.
    • Already submitted edits are now shown in a better way
    • Adding multiple items, as known from the upload page, is now also used here
  • Items in the changelog are now grouped by month to give a better overview
  • Small modifications to the upload page & edit feature to optimize loading times


  • Fixed an issue where locations (mainly from the Asian continent) would not be stored correctly.
    • This fix has been applied to both the upload and edit features
  • Footer will now stick to the bottom if there is not enough content to fill the page
  • Added the styling of the edit functionality & changelog to the new file loading system. (So users automatically get the latest version)



  • Added more statistics to the stats page. (not yet available on mobile)
    • The first table gives an overview of cars, edits and users
    • The second table gives an in-depth view of statistics from all users
    • Note: The second table will be upgraded in the future with possible search and order features for better ease of use


  • Fixed an issue where the info windows on the map would not display chassis numbers



  • Updated the homepage cards with the new layout as seen on other pages
  • Updated the updates page with the new card layout as seen on other pages
  • Changed the loading order of cars across all pages to be chronological left to right, instead of the top to bottom order that was used before



  • Improvements to yesterdays update
    • Added items can now be removed
    • Optimized the layout so items can't extend beyond the form
    • Minor design tweaks



  • New way of adding multiple items to a field (picture credit & extra)
    • Instead of separating items by a character, users can now hit the '+' button at the end of a field to add an item
    • Tip: you can also hit enter inside the field to add an item
  • Optimized the layout of the image containers, so they no longer extend beyond the form. This happened with images that have long filenames
  • Added extra verification for the location fields on upload and edit forms



  • Edit improvements
    • The edit section no longer fully closes after uploading an edit. This makes it easier to do multiple edits
    • Additional verification for uploading better pictures
    • When uploading better pictures, the website will now wait until pictures are fully uploaded to submit the changes
  • Image uploader improvements (new cars / edits)
    • Further improved image verification with immediate checks for image queue length and individual image sizes


  • Removed .PNG image support on upload and edit forms


Added cars

  • Pagani Zonda (unsure about numbers)
    • Zonda C12 (5)
    • Zonda S 7.0 (15)
    • Zonda S 7.3 (17)
    • Zonda Roadster (40)
    • Zonda F (25)
    • Zonda F Roadster (25)
    • Zonda 760 (10)
  • McLaren F1
    • F1 (64 + 5 prototypes)
    • F1 LM (5 + 1 prototype)
    • F1 GT (2 + 1 prototype)
    • F1 GTR (28)
  • Maserati MC12
    • MC12 Corsa (12 + 3 test cars)
    • MC12 GT1 (13)
  • Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black Series (132)
  • Bentley Continental 24 (24)
  • Morgan Aeromax (100)
February 2018



  • Updated the infinite scroll and image loading code, along with some tweaks for the loading of these files themselves. This should fix the overlapping and layout gaps issues



  • Fixed an issue on smaller screens, where the input fields on the login page would disappear. This bug was introduced with yesterdays update from the removal of usernames in the navbar on smaller screens



  • Added queue link to the dropdown menu for access on smaller screens
  • Created a public page for the changelog


  • Switched the order of the 'Seen cars list', recently added cars will now be shown at the top
  • Layout improvements
    • Changed layout for 'Seen vehicle' button on smaller (mobile) screens, so it no longer overlaps the table header
    • Removed username from the navbar on smaller screens as it could cause unwanted header expansion
  • Other improvements
    • Minor tweaks to the administrator panel


  • Fixed an issue where users with an underscore in their username could not access their profile and uploaded cars list



  • Made a new file management system so users automatically get the latest version, this way they should no longer experience issues due to running an older cached version
  • Dynamic loading for the 'Seen cars list' on user profiles. This fixes load times for users with a large (+100 cars) list


  • Fixed an issue where the return to top button would jump up to not cover the footer when there is no footer
  • Removed the last duplicate cars that got through when the separate chassis / production number was introduced
January 2018



  • Implemented extra verification so duplicates can no longer be uploaded by deleting certain values. This bug was introduced with the separate chassis / production numbers


  • User system. This requires visitors to have an account to upload cars and make edits. Users are divided in 3 types of accounts:
    • Regular: Default account. Provides access to uploading and editing as well as saving cars that you have seen to your profile page
    • Member: Includes all of the above as well as the ability to see cars that are hidden from the public and ‘stealth mode’: a dark design for the website
    • Administrator
  • More features will be added to this system in the future
  • You can now see when a car was uploaded and last updated on the details pages
  • New edit button for separate chassis and production number edits


  • Chassis and production numbers are now saved separately
  • Improved upload page for ease of use and implemented separate chassis and production number input
  • Improved the layout of details pages on mobile.
    • Expand buttons (previous locations and owner cars)
    • Edit history table


  • General fixes to improve user experience and load times

Added cars

  • McLaren P1 GTR
  • McLaren P1 LM
  • McLaren MSO X
  • McLaren Senna
  • Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Speedster
  • Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Shooting Brake
March 2017


  • Created a real homepage instead of the list of cars that was shown before. This pages includes the following:
    • Slider with latest news, cars that are for sale, the latest upload and latest edit
    • We'll try to write a news item every once in a while. This will mostly be a highlight of a car that's been uploaded, some information about a new car that's added to the website or updates about the website in general
    • Lastly there are sections that show some of the latest cars uploaded that are for sale and also ones that were updated
January - March 2017
  • Map
    • You can now filter cars on the map by clicking on the plus icon at the bottom. A popup will show up with the ability to filter on make or make & model discontinued due to long loading times from large amount of cars added lately
    • Improved individual marker loading speed by enhancing the info window image loading process and cleaning up the code
    • Zoom out button to set the zoom back to the initial level
  • Details
    • The details page now has an option to edit the data. As of now this is limited to the most common changes but it will be expanded in the future. To double-check the provided information is correct all data passes by the admin first, so changes are not directly visible. Thanks to everyone who has been using this feature already for helping us make the website more complete and correct
    • Extra fields: 'owners Instagram' and 'uploaded by' have been added
  • Car & For Sale pages
    • The car & for sale pages have been updated to show more accurate results, as well as the addition of a page title
    • The cars are now sorted on number rather than on added date to give a better overview
  • Stats
    • The stats page ‘All Cars’ graph has changed from a pie chart to a bar chart, to get a better view of how many cars are uploaded
    • Due to a lack of screen space on mobile devices, this chart will remain in pie chart form for smartphones. Bigger tablets should get the bar chart
  • Upload
    • Over the last couple weeks we have been testing a public upload. For the coming weeks this will work via a verifying system to ensure all data is complete and correct. This means your uploads won’t be directly visible until the admin has verified them. Depending upon the length of the queue this shouldn’t take longer than a day or two. We are looking to change this in the future to get direct uploads
  • User
    • As a result of the upload beta, we’ve added a user page to show all cars uploaded by that user. This is available in grid and list view
  • Little design and code improvements
December 2016
  • Stats
    • Easier car selection. You can now filter cars on make to find the car you are looking for more easily (search is still available)
    • Better layout to maximize screen use
    • Slightly better performance
September 2015


  • Website launched

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